Our Partners Continue to Support Prisons in Africa

Dear Family, Friends and Partners,         Because of your support for Seed The Need Store and the ministry we in a time of, (shall we say bondage), have been able to reach more prisons then ever before with milk for the babies bellies, and Bibles for the lost souls.  It is exciting to sit in Fredericton NB on my deck and realize that Prison Christian Ministries is reaching people on the other side of the world with His hope. Praise the Lord and we are just getting started. In December, we reached 12 prisons with 480 Bibles and supplied 288 prison babies with milk. We have already sent the funds so that we will bless 18 prisons in January.  It's all because of God's love and your partnership.   Dear Brothers and Sisters in Chris I salute you all together with the Family of Prison Christian Ministry, saying that I am thanking you for the good work that we have been doing ever since the year began, despite the challenges, we have seen God's hands and grace taking us on in life to this day. I want to greatly thank the Board of directors in this ministry who have made the work of God to run smoothly here in Africa. How have you made the children in prison and the street children have a smile!! It is God who can reward you hereunder heaven. How likewise I can travel through to all prisons under my custody through your support for my car hire. Two people through you are helping some children; that is, Albert Hood and Word of Faith church who is helping one child, and Jamie  Cummings who is helping three children and will help more children with their education each time he sells a house. Thank you and may God bless you, Happy New Year. Yours in Christ, Rev. Joseph K. Kinuthia HSC (Coordinator/Agent, PCM - Africa)


On Key

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