Bible Study Clubs in Kenyan Prisons

A message from one of our agents:

It's with Joy to report that Prison Christian Ministries has been able to supply Bibles to Prisoners. Through your support, inmates have been attending the Prison Christian Ministries Bible study clubs weekly. It was a great time of worship and testimonies from the parents whose children are benefiting from PCM Tabitha House 2. One inmate shared a poem he wrote that included, “My Child No Longer an "Orphan", No Longer Lost on the Streets Again”.

Another inmate who was an atheist before joining the Prison Christian Ministries Bible study club said, “I experienced the great love of Christ. No, it’s beyond great—it’s phenomenal!”.

Another middle-aged man admitted he’d been planning to murder the person who’d falsely incriminated him (which led to his conviction and imprisonment), but during PCM Bible study and prayer, he submitted his life to Christ who totally changed him and his thinking and he has now forgiven the person. Prisoners appreciate the Prison Christian Ministries' partners and treasure them. It is beautiful to behold and I am grateful to be witnessing this as Prison Christian Ministries Agent in Western Kenya.

Bible Study
Bible Study Club

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