Money Not wasted

Looking for a good cause that will give you a tax receipt

 Please consider us.

        1) not even the director of our ministry gets paid.

        2) we minister in all the correction centers in N B

        3) we help with the financial need in drug treatment centers.

        4) we minister in the treatment centers.

        5) we supply bibles to the correction centers

        6) we help to restore people and reintegrate them back into mainstream society.

        7) we supplied 91,568 packets of milk to children in Kenya that are in prison with their mothers

        8) we supplied over 6,500 bibles to the prisons of Kenya

        9) we built a Christian orphanage (Tabitha House) used to house 20 prison children

       10) we are planning to start building Tabitha House 2 before the end of 2022

       11) we feed over 100 street children every week in a park in Kakamega.

       12) we operate a Seed the Need thrift store and all profits are used in the ministry.

The cost is approx 4000.00 per month just to operate one orphanage, not counting the milk for the prisons or the feeding program. Donations for the street children we provide every Saturday in Kakamega.

Please help today, Their lives depend on it.

Thank You, Be Blessed Real Good

Rev Brent Bishop Founder, Director
Prison Christian Ministries
176 Main Street, Fredericton NB
E3A  1C8


On Key

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