Hallelujah Prison Christian Ministries is back on the road! Volunteers Stephen Hart, Malcolm Thomas, Hollis Clark and Brent Bishop left Fredericton at 7 am heading North on a beautiful morning to Minister at Harvest House in Plaster Rock.
It has been close to a year since sharing God’s word in an institution due to Covid. I needn’t have worried about our effectiveness in spreading the word as the Holy Spirit was with us from the very beginning with Mal singing “It Still Takes the Blood for a Soul to be Saved.” How receptive and enthusiastic they were, rejoicing and singing along.
We shared Salvation and the benefits of serving the Lord. HIS plans for us are so much better if we allow HIM to direct our paths. Many were blessed, prayed for, and even a Bible was given out in Large Print, which was exactly what this man needed as his eyesight was poor. PTL.
Our next stop was the Madawaska Jail where 16 men came out and were very receptive to hearing the Good News and several prayed the prayer of Salvation.
Our petition as Christians is to go out and share the gospel, leading people to Jesus. What a privilege to carry this out. We appreciate your prayers and support in this Ministry which is close to our hearts. Heaven rejoiced today for the men who accepted Jesus.
In HIM we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17:28)
Did this touch your heart, want to help? Contact brent@prisonchristianministries.com if you have a desire to share Jesus.
Or if you can't go, help someone who can Partner with us by giving to richard@prisonchristianministroes.com or go to our web site donation page www.prisonchristianministries.com/donate
Rev Brent Bishop Founder, Director Prison Christian Ministries 176 Main Street Fredericton, NB E3A 1C8 506-461-7528