Dear Family and Friends,
Today 5 volunteers for Prison Christian Ministries hit the road at 7:30am heading for Shediac, NB. It was a beautiful November day and time flew by as we shared in conversation. Before we knew it we arrived at Naomi & Ruth treatment center.
Over the next 1hr & 30min we all took our turns sharing Jesus and His love. I could not help thinking that all these ladies have gone through traumatic experiences that I would sooner not think about. All these ladies are someone's daughter and most are someone's mother, I cannot imagine the pain!!
One of these ladies told me she had not seen her daughter for 5 years, WOW how cruel drugs can be. But they are all believing in a freedom that only Jesus can provide. And that lady that had not seen her daughter for five years is now spending every weekend with her. We serve an Awesome God.
Be Blessed real good.
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Rev Brent Bishop Founder, Director
Prison Christian Ministries
176 Main Street, Fredericton NB
E3A 1C8