Brent Bishop with Bishop Boniface at T 4
Tabitha House 4 (T 4)
T 4 coming along
Workers working on the exterior of T4
Tabitha and Boniface

Tabitha House 4 Narok,Kenya

Bishop Boniface and his wife Tabitha have almost completed PCM’s 3rd home, which will be known as Tabitha House 4. A home  for children of incarcerated parents. Glory to God! If we can provide a strong Christian foundation through these homes for children then we have an opportunity to stop the cycle of crime and incarceration. Bishop Boniface Wander Kugotha and his wife Tabitha, not only donated the land for the home but, he will be the Director of the home.
The need for monthly partners, continues and should God put it on your hearts please donate to this Ministry, by simply touching the donate now button above. Thank You and as Brent Bishop says, “Be Blessed Real