Thank you all for helping to save these innocent children. Stay posted, we are building nine more God willing and partners join with us.
Dear Friends,
What keeps Prison Christian Ministries moving forward is the prayers, support, and love we get from family, friends and new partners that God brings on board to help complete the mission. We have found people who are dedicated to not only making Jesus known to the prisoners but also dedicated to improving the lives of children affected by parental incarceration.
This marked the beginning of the end of the nightmares and trauma that these children have had after their mothers are sent to prison. The Tabithan Christian Children Home that was just a dream is now a reality.
We started building the home in mid 2021 and as we speak the house is complete and the photo is attached.
What is remaining now is drilling the well that is needed because frequent water shortages caused by the climate changes that are affecting the globe. We need to have a sure supply of water to keep the home at the highest level of hygiene and supply our badly needed garden.
We realized that once a mother goes to prison, the children left behind are left without anybody to take care of them, these innocent children affected by parental incarceration are considered to be a bad omen and suffer rejection from the extended family as well as the community.
Most of them end up in the streets where they are recruited to crime and drug abuse and sooner than later they join their parents in prison and the intergenerational cycle of crime keeps turning.
This is our entry point. We decided to focus on reaching them with the love of Christ as well as provide their basic needs.
The Tabithan Christian Home will serve not only as a place of refuge for the children but also as an empowerment center for them and their mothers after they leave prison.
This is where you come in, the well will cost over $10,000.00, Please pray and thank God for making a way, if He calls you to help and you obey, you will save a life.
Check out or send an e-transfer to
May God continue blessing you.
Geoffrey Kungu
PCM Agent- Kenya