Dear Partners,

    This year is almost gone, tax time will soon be upon us. We at Prison Christian Ministries know many good-hearted people who love Jesus and would like to make a year-end donation, but some are not sure who will use their seed for its best purpose. Please note no one gets paid in PCM except the staff at our store.
    Last year we set some high goals. We believe God gave the vision to spread His Gospel of hope by word and by action, To the forgotten, lost, and broken men and women who are in jails and prisons locally and Internationally. read below and see what happened.

    Local Ministry

    1. To help arrange weekly chapel services in all the provincial jails. PCM helped to influence Chris Austin (Minister of Public Safety) to place Chaplains in all our Provincial Correctional Centers. They will likely be providing weekly chapel services.
    2. To provide prison crosses and Bibles to all the provincial correction centers. PCM provided prison crosses, Bibles, Christian books, and 84 monthly chapel services in three addiction centers and all the provincial jails. where well over 100 were introduced to Jesus and prayed for their salvation.

    International Ministry

    1. Have Tabitha House 1 up and running with 24 children living in it. Tabitha House is now operating with all 24 children. This week we had three mothers get out of prison and pick up their children.
    2. Have Tabitha House 2 finished by Dec 31st, 2023. It is now finished and the children will be coming to live there in Nov 2023.
    3. Have the funds raised so that we can start Tabitha 4 by Jan 2024. Tabitha House 4 is putting up their walls this week.
    4. Deliver 4,800 cases of milk to the children in the Kenyan prisons in 2023, We are now delivering milk to every child that is in a Kenyan prison. The total is 367 cases per month 4,404 per year.
    5. PCM planned to feed 5000 meals to the homeless street children in 2023. By the end of 2023, we will have served 5,460 meals to the homeless street children in Kenya.
    6. Deliver 1,000 Bibles to the prisoners in the Kenya Prisons in 2023, By the end of 2023 we will have delivered 1,000 Bibles and facilitated many Bible studies.
    7. Make a trip to Kenya and visit three Tabitha Houses, Evangelize in 7 prisons, and do one open-air crusade next to Tabitha House 2 in Bungoma West Kenya where hundreds will be introduced to Jesus. Tickets are already purchased and paid for by the volunteers that are going. We are leaving on Nov 21st. 2023

    We need more partners.

    Did you know that $ 50.00 will supply milk to 10 babies for a month?

    $100.00 per month will cover the cost of 1 child in a Tabitha House.

    $100.00 per month will feed 20 street Children 4 times a month.

    $100.00 per month will send 15 Bibles into prison.

    $3,500.00 per month will run a Tabitha House for 1 month.

    $100,000.00 will build a badly needed Tabitha House.

    Please pray about this and if God leads you please answer His call.

    Any donations over $10,000.00 Please e-transfer to any monthly donations Click on donate.